What happens to you does not matter, what you become through those experiences is all that is significant. This is the true meaning of life.

Monday, September 17, 2007

Friends And The City

I didn't envy their wardrobes, nor their choice in men and at times I thought each of them needed a swift kick up the arse. At times they were rude, ignorant and just plain not nice....and yet the one thing I always envied them...was their friendship.

To have friends like that, that you can always depend on, always rely on, know that no matter what they are there for you....Lovers, boyfriends and sometimes even husbands can fall by the wayside but friends will always and indefinitely be there for you, or so the theory stands.

So it got me thinking, does everyone have friendships like these four shared?
Does everyone have a select group of people that they can relate to, rely on and call up at 3am when nothing makes sense?

When did friendship become a 70/30 or even worse 80/20 or 90/10 two way street? I thought friendship was always 50/50, you get what you put into it, you don't make any deposits then you can't make any withdrawals, thats how it works. Too often do we find ourselves going to take withdrawals out when we know we're so far in credit with deposits that it's not funny, only to find the account empty and usually in negative numbers.

Friendships are one of the few things that every person should have and hold dear to their heart, they should cherish them and not be so quick to throw them away. Friendships do not survive on mere breadcrumbs you occasionally throw at them, they require time, effort and work and yet so few these days are rarely willing to do that.

Friendships should outlast circumstances, sure people and their circumstances change but deep down we all remain our true selves. The people who we were when the friendship began is always there, even though you may not recognise her/him anymore. People grow up, move, get married and have babies but the sign of a true friendship is to transcend beyond all that bullshit, true friendship doesn't let "circumstances" and external factors interfere in something so special, they let those external factors work around the friendship not through it. A friendship can only survive on the odd capful of water so often before it eventually gets too dehydrated and ceases to exist and only when it does that will you realise just what you have let die.....

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