What happens to you does not matter, what you become through those experiences is all that is significant. This is the true meaning of life.

Friday, September 21, 2007


Babies, babies and more babies....they are ALL I seem to be able to think about at the minute. I want a baby, there it's out there, I have uttered those immortal words...that said, it's not really a secret and it should come as no great surprise to those who know me that I want a baby. I will admit, I'm greedy, I actually want more than 1, two would be nice but 3 would be even better.

I want to experience those 9 months of the ever expanding belly and know for a change that its expanding NOT because I've been on a chocolate binge but instead because there is a life growing inside me...I want to have a baby belly.

I want a rugrat, a perfect little person that hubby and I have created.

Most would think that having a baby would be easy and for some couples it is, they only have to think about sex and bam (!!) they're pregnant. But for other's, well we are not so fortunate. And so begins the crusade to have a baby, we are on the baby trail......lets hope we encounter lots of babydust along the way.....

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